About Brahmin Believer

This is a site about my journey from a brahmin to a believer and the ongoing sanctification.

Around 2017 Easter week, I started to read the Bible as I wanted to better understand how it can answer several open questions I was struggling with. As I read the Bible, like a novel cover to cover, the week of July10-14 2017, when I was by myself home (my family were out at a 4H camp for the week) I came to accept Jesus as my Lord & Savior. I was in Micah or just before the Gospels, when I was baptized by the Holy Spirit. I was then baptized by immersion in the Gulf on April 1 2018, on Easter Sunday.

More about the conversion will be in my Testimony post.

There is only One True Living God and its just glorious to know Him personally through Jesus Christ!