About Technology - Part2

I follow up from Part 1 and set up what I think are some biblical principles that apply to each of the areas, using what the plain people have believed and applied using their 500 year history. See Part1 for the setup.

What I believe about death and after life

There was a recent sermon on Where we will be 5 mts after we die? that sparked my own thought process on what I have come to believe from the scriptures. Here is my current view of topics related to death, from my understanding of Yah's Word. If...

About 153 fish

In the Gospel according to St.John, we have a reference to 153 great fishes. This post is a summary of my learnings to date on what this number could represent. These are theories and conjectures, some with proof texts from the Scripture, others...

Testimony of Hank's faithfulness through injury

A recent acquaintance, Hank, broke his leg delivering chicken tractors, as part of his business. This is the testimony of how The Most High was faithful in Hank, and in how Hank has been a testimony to us. He is now a dear brother to us, in our Messiah.