Survey Notes on Ephesians 5:1-21

Paul closes [Eph4:25-32] ending with few admonitions and [Eph5:1] begins with therefore. This indicates this verse [Eph5:1] is a conjunctive sentence from the preceeding ones. Although, the first two verses are positive examples of implications of being believers, the rest 3-21 provides strong words for the audience.

This brings up lots of questions. One of them being, are these implying a works based salvation. The other being why the repetitive nature of the additional admonitions. I will try to address the first one here.

There are two ways to look at the question around works based salvation; inferring from Romans and other writings of Paul and the Revelation letter to the Church of Ephesus [Rev2:1]

The first one is around the fact that Church at Ephesus might have been populated by unbelievers along with believers and there might have been a lot of consternation resulting from both false teachings, life style influences and immorality that was polluting the Church. This I call, the Theory of Sheeps and Goats, from [Mat 25:31].

The other reason could be that Paul wanted to make sure, the believers in the Church of Ephesus knew what it meant to be converted and to follow Jesus Christ. This I call, the Sanctification Process.

The third reason could be a combination of the above two.

Theory of Sheeps and Goats

There are 3 reasons for this possibility

  • the contrasts in his praise, hope vs admonitions all through [Eph 4 and Eph 5] indicates Paul was trying to speak to two different auidences, that were some how mixed.
  • Jesus rebukes them for falling off from faith and asks them to repent.
  • the specific advise like [Eph5:11] or [Eph5:6] indicates there were some in the audience who might have been influencing the believers or to clarify the bad behavior might come from within the Church

The Sanctification Process

The first three chapters of Ephesians talk about our conversion, rebirth, adoption into the family of God, justification by our faith and saved by grace alone (sola gratia). It emphasises how we were dead in our tresspasses and the ignorant ways we were living under the law of flesh, governed by the world and Satan. Then it contrasts with how we are renewed and obtained the inheritance of the treasures in Heaven, as well as the gift of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, to make us the temple and foundation for God's kingdom.

So having stated all this, how do we know we are saved?

It has to be by the fruits of the Spirit.

[Rom8:22-25] explains clearly that we await eagerly our adoption as sons and the redemption of our body. The result of the fruits of the Spirit gives us the persevernce to wait eagerly of the aforementioned redemption of our body, which doesnt happen until we are glorified. And the Spirit also helps our weakness [Rom 8:26]. This weakness is both in the waiting and the temptations that take us away from our communion with God.

Some of the major temptations are lettered through our focus verses in Eph.

  • sexual immorality,
  • greed or covetousness,
  • impurity and uncleanness of heart
  • filth of mouth or crude joking
  • partakers in darkness and unfruitful works of darkness
  • being foolish
  • getting drunk with wine

This then slowly goes away as The Holy Spirit interceeds in us to pray and according to the Will of God. God also searches our heart and mind to reveal things that of darkness by shining the light, that is Christ on us. This doesnt go without a fight, which is depicted via the temptations which the devil uses.

It is akin to several mini battles in a long hard fought war. Its like saying that, just because we were slaughtered in Normandy, we lost WWII. On the contrary, although we lost several battles in WWII, the allies ended up winning the war.

The only difference here is that, we know the war has already been won by Christ for us and its our duty to obey and love God and let the Spirit work in us by praying, worshipping and living to please Almighty God, so that our fruits may be a sweet fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Hence any setbacks, sins of the flesh, temptations by the devil, faltering of our mind are mini losses in the big victory won for us by Jesus.

But we also need to let God work in us through the Spirit through this process of sanctification, by being imitators of God as beloved children, as His Son was to Him. There is no room for Carnal Christian.

We go from the works of the flesh to fruits of the Spirit, negating the temptations, not using our will or mind power, but by God's grace and His work in us -

  • being awake in Christ
  • giving thanks
  • walking in light
  • discerning what is pleasing to the Lord
  • walk wisely and not be foolish
  • filled with Spirit
  • singing and making melody to the Lord
  • submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ

The references to light and dark is very important in [Eph5:7-14]. It harkens back to [Jhn3:19-21] when Jesus is talking to Nicodemus about being reborn to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He mentions how the Light has come to dispel the darkness that is in the world.

In case there were any doubts that there were traces of works or implication of works intended in the study verses, you can rest in Paul's other letter from [Rom8:37-39]

But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

If anyone is struggling with sin even after we are believers, take heed in the words of Paul from [Rom7:4-24] - wretched man that I am, who will set me free from the body of this death?

In Him, is our victory and as we struggle with sin in our lives as part of the fallen world, we need to look to the Cross, as there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus [Rom8:1]