Sukkot - the Feast of Tabernacles

The version used is KJV

A PDF version for reading with scriptures is available here

From the Torah

The fall feasts are outlined in both Leviticus and Deuteronomy. We start with the beginning of the 7th month and work our way forward. The tracking of month will be worked out in another post, but you can see here the writeup on harvests and how the Yah's feasts coincide with seasons/cycles.

Day 1 Month 7 is Yom Teruah from Leviticus 23

  1. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.23]]
  2. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.24]]
  3. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.25]]

Day 10 Month 7 is Yom Kippur from Leviticus 23

  1. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.26]]
  2. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.27]]
  3. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.28]]
  4. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.29]]
  5. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.30]]
  6. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.31]]
  7. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.32]]

Day 15 Month 7 is beginning of Sukkot

From Leviticus 23

  1. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.33]]
  2. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.34]]
  3. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.35]]
  4. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.36]]
  5. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.37]]
  6. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.38]]
  7. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.39]]
  8. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.40]]
  9. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.41]]
  10. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.42]]
  11. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.43]]

From Deuteronomy 16

  1. ![[kjv/Deuteronomy/Deuteronomy.16.13]]
  2. ![[kjv/Deuteronomy/Deuteronomy.16.14]]
  3. ![[kjv/Deuteronomy/Deuteronomy.16.15]]

From Nehemiah 8

  1. ![[kjv/Nehemiah/Nehemiah.8.13]]
  2. ![[kjv/Nehemiah/Nehemiah.8.14]]
  3. ![[kjv/Nehemiah/Nehemiah.8.15]]
  4. ![[kjv/Nehemiah/Nehemiah.8.16]]
  5. ![[kjv/Nehemiah/Nehemiah.8.17]]
  6. ![[kjv/Nehemiah/Nehemiah.8.18]]

Day 22 Month 7 the 8th day Sabbath from Leviticus 23/36 and Nehemiah 8/18

  1. ![[kjv/Leviticus/Leviticus.23.36]]
  2. ![[kjv/Nehemiah/Nehemiah.8.18]]

Days in 2021

From my current reckoning, here are the dates for Ozark area for the feasts mentioned above.

  • Sep 8th eve to 9th eve is Yom Teruah, you blow the shofar, its a memorial and holy convocation, no servile work and an offering made by fire onto Yah.
  • Sep 17th eve to 18th eve is Yom Kippur, a day of atonement with holy convocation, afflicting of souls, no work, atone before Yah, no manner of work and a sabbath rest, offering made by fire to Yah
  • Sep 22nd eve to 23rd eve is first day of cHag Sukkot starting for 7 days. first day is holy convocation, no servile work, 7 days of offering made by fire to Yah following the holy convocation
  • Sep 29th eve to 30th eve is the eight day following 7 days of cHag Sukkot, holy convocation of solemn assembly and no servile work, offering made by fire to Yah

For the full calendar see here.


Some guidelines for celebrating

If you are new to following Torah as believer in our Messiah, Jesus Christ in english or Yeshua Ha'Maschiach, the best place to start is to associate with other believers or camps that might be meeting for 7 days of Sukkot in a campground or park or some private facility to gather and celebrate. Even if you dont believe in their dates or calendar or even some of the practices, as long as you check out the group and know they are grounded in the teachings of Jesus, I would suggest you partake the feast with them, either on the high sabbaths or the entire feast days. This helps with you being in a congregation or assembly of believers, while keeping you engaged in scriptures and community life as your understanding increases.

In the Ozark area, there are several happening that you can check out or reach out to me if you want to ask specifics.

But if you are unable to partake with a group, or want to lead the feast for your family, here is what I suggest, based on what I do for my family. Keep in mind this is my suggestion and not the Word of Yah, so pray and do accordingly as the head of household, what is good for your family. If you are a woman reading this, please work this through your covering, husband or head of household.

  • High sabbaths involve no work, therefore,
    • try to prepare pre-cooked meals before hand and have enough to eat, so the women dont end up cooking/cleaning that day but enjoy the rest.
    • turn off cellphones or keep away so its only for emergencies
    • stay off computer and media even if its to watch a sermon or purpotedly Godly programming
    • read scriptures as family, talk about the significance of the feast, ruminate what the ancients did during the feast etc.
    • play a game - indoor or outdoor that is not too hard on physically, but provides recreation and rest
    • goal is to rest, so keep that in mind and if anything looks like not resting, then dont do it
    • always focus on our Messiah as He is the Lord of Sabbath and in Him we find the ultimate rest
  • Yom Kippur High sabbath, is a bit different as its no work and day of affliction
    • fast from even to even
    • I do take water but no food, do what is acceptable within your circumstances and health conditions
    • reflect on the sacrifice of our Messiah
    • search your hearts and mind to seek repentance on unrepented areas
    • search your hearts and mind to forgive others that may have transgressed you
    • sing hymns and songs praising Yah
    • read scriptures and the life of our Messiah
    • rest
    • reflect and thank that our High Priest has once in forall sacrificed Himself as the perfect lambs - both the sweet savor and the azazel goat to take away all our sins once for all, and this day is a look back at what He did once and for all times to come
    • repent if you have strayed away from our Messiah
  • Other feast days, if you are able to take time off
    • spend time in gathering and fellowship
    • learn new skills that will help expand the Kingdom of God
    • serve others, poor and the needy
    • visit prison or orphanages or old age homes
    • build something with your family or congregation
    • celebrate Yah and His Son through songs and devotionals

What scriptures to read, if you are leading your family outside of the assembly of believers is covered next.

Scripture Readings

Read through all scriptures either as the head of household or taking turns with your family.

Start with all scriptures in From the Torah section of this post. a PDF is also given for your convenience with scriptures from KJV.

Read Psalms 120 - 135

From Hosea 12

  1. ![[kjv/Hosea/Hosea.12.8]]
  2. ![[kjv/Hosea/Hosea.12.9]]
  3. ![[kjv/Hosea/Hosea.12.10]]
  4. ![[kjv/Hosea/Hosea.12.11]]
  5. ![[kjv/Hosea/Hosea.12.12]]
  6. ![[kkjv/Hosea/Hosea.12.13]]

From Zechariah 14

  1. ![[kjv/Zechariah/Zechariah.14.16]]
  2. ![[kjv/Zechariah/Zechariah.14.17]]
  3. ![[kjv/Zechariah/Zechariah.14.18]]
  4. ![[kjv/Zechariah/Zechariah.14.19]]

From John 1

  1. ![[kjv/John/John.1.14]]
  2. ![[kjv/John/John.1.15]]
  3. ![[kjv/John/John.1.16]]
  4. ![[kjv/John/John.1.17]]
  5. ![[kjv/John/John.1.18]]

All of Matthew 5, as this is our constitution in the Kingdom of Heaven we are part of.

All of Hebrews 11

All of Revelation 21