Ruth Interpretation Study - Chapter 2 Verses1-23

The version used is KJV


Mighty man of wealth

Boaz is described as might man of wealth. Mighty is H1368 gibbore which means powerful, warrior, tyrant, champion, chief or valiant. Wealth on the other hand is H2428 chayil, which also means army, host, wealth, virtue and valor.

Our God, YHVH is described as LORD of Hosts in many scriptures. This word Hosts is tsaba, while the use of host using H2428 is used only in the context of human army of Pharaoh [Ex14:4] or [Ex14:9]

Some uses for H2428 are riches [Exe26:12], forces [Dan11:10], strength [Joe2:22], soldiers [Ezr8:22].

In the book of Ruth, chayil is used to describe Ruth as virtuous women [Ruth3:11] and worthy [Ruth4:11].

Boaz is in good company when looking for mighty man of valor equivalent phrase, with Jephtah [Jdg11:1], Gideon [Jdg6:12], David [1Sa16:18], Saul [1Sa9:1], the 5 Danites [Jdg18:2], Naaman [2Ki5:1].

Wealth Application

  • Its through Yah our Creator that we do valiantly [Psa60:12]. Valiant is H2428 for wealth. Therefore Yah is our source of wealth. Its a gift of God [Ecc5:19]
  • I should not put my trust in the wealth [Psa49:6] which is re-enforced by our Messiah [Matt6:19–21], and in the letter to Timothy [1Tim6:17]
  • I must not squander the wealth that Yah has blessed me with [Psa49:10] and be good stewards of wealth [Psa49:10]
  • How I must act when with wealth or to acquire wealth on earth, must be based on the strength that comes from The Most High [Psa18:32], [Psa18:39]
  • I will not covet others wealth either, [Exo20:17]
  • When I do have wealth, I will not boast it [Psa49:6] but when I boast I boast in my Master Jesus [1Cor1:31]
  • Re-echoing [Matt6:19-21] I must always remember wealth and riches are in my Fathers house [Psa112:3]
  • If Yah blesses me with wealth, then I must leave an inheritance for my children [Pro13:22]


As we have covered elsewhere, gleaning, laqat H3950, is a provisional rule from Torah to show our thankfulness to Yah's blessings by leaving the corners of our fields for the poor and the needy to live off. [Lev19:9] and [Lev23:22]. Although there is this provision for the owner of the field to not harvest the corners and collect all of the grain that has falledn outside, the onus of gleaning is still on the poor or needy to go to the field and perform the act of gleaning.

This is demonstrated in [Ruth2] where Boaz following what was given in the plains of Moab from The Most High through Moses, did not harvest the edges of his field, and Ruth and others who had fallen on tough times were able to come and work the field to collect what they could following the provisionos of gleaning.

Noticing of Ruth

Boaz operates as if Yah is soverign, in how he works using the few verses we have in this chapter. His greeting [Ruth2:4] to how his workers respond to how he prays who will reward Ruth for her diligence and behavior [Ruth2:12] illustrates this point. In addition, his walking out his faith during the harvest, provides a glimpse of how he handled his responsibilities and maintained his walk, during famine. This may have been stark contrast to what Elimelech did.

Boaz was definitely an older man, since Naomi recognized the name as one of her kinsman. She might have been the same age or he might have been little younger than Elimelech at best. In contrast, Ruth was young. She was a recent widow. Boaz refers to Ruth as a daughter, using bath H1323, which refers to daughter, sister, younger woman. Ruth being from Moab, must have looked homely and pleasing to the eyes, since from [Num25:1] we saw that sons of Israel played harlotry with daughters of Moab during their journey to Caanan. Her being a foreigner, younger and newer, might have caused Boaz to take notice, since she was a newcomer to other regular gleaners.

Tensions between Moab and Israel must have been high, assuming it happened around Ehud's judgeship, when Moab ruled them. This along with the long standing treachory by the kings of Moab, must have created some form of hostility between Moabites and Israelites. This and her younger looks, might be the reason why Boaz advises her to stay close to his maidens in his field. In addition, he ensures his workers not to insult or rebuke her. The other reason could be that, since during Judges, the men of Israel did what was right in their own sight, meant that the strangers werent properly treated. These could also be the reason why Naomi confirms Ruth to follow Boaz's advise [Ruth 2:22]

Applying Ruth's life to us

  • Following how Ruth turned away from her country, parents and followed Naomi's God, I have an example to make my covenant with The Most High and to follow the lead using His Son, Jesus, as my example through the study of scriptures.
  • Although she was new to the land, she understood the law of gleaning and exercised it to find food for Naomi.
  • Yah's Word reveals how He works and what His laws are. So I trust in His provisions and know that His hand is there to guide me to the right field for me to glean. The faith that Ruth exhibits in following what was required of her, shows that if I walk in faith following my Master's example, The Most High will take care of me.
  • I must have humility, diligence, willingness to work hard with joy, thankfulness, gratitude and to work the task appointed at hand.
  • I must work hard not because I want to amass wealth or wheat, but for my family to provide for them, like Ruth did to provide for Naomi.
  • I must not get greedy or thirsty to want more, but only to stay in the field till His appointed time and to work the field when I am there and not be idle on the other extreme.
  • I must work with faith that I am under The Most High's protection, under His wings.
  • I am like Ruth in that, as a foreigner, as I accept the call of the Heavenly Father to follow Jesus, His Only Son, baptized in the Holy Spirit, I am grafted into the family, as a Hebrew, and partaker of the promise to Abraham [Gal3:14], and look forward to my citizenship not of this earth, but of Yah's kingdom and to serve my King Jesus.