Ruth Interpretation Study - Chapter 1 Verses14-22

The version used is KJV

Ruth Following Naomi

We dont know what the local culture in Moab holds, in a situation such as this, where a foreigner who is not a blood relative is going back, and what is required or expected of the daughter-in-law. But nonetheless, from this book we gather from both Ruth and Orpah that they want to be with Naomi and follow her into Israel. Naomi, still in the context of a Hebrew indicates that she is unable to offer a husband following the Levirate law.

Hence a choice was given to both the daughers-in-law by Naomi to go back to what they knew, their gods, family etc. Orpah chooses to take that advise, while Ruth does not. The word used in [Ruth1:14] is dabaq, H1692, to cling or cleave or follow and stay close to. Its the same word used in [Gen2:24] when a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.

Ensuing the decision to follow Naomi, Ruth uses almost a covenantal language to never forsake her side and to fully embrace Naomi's way of life, including Naomi's God.

Theology of Naomi

  • [Ruth1:20] call me not Naomi, call me Mara. Hebrew culture places a great deal on the name of a person which signifies the birth, as in [1Sa4:21] Ichabod H350, which means glory departed and its the time Ark of God was taken away and the name of Samuel which Hannah his mother gave, points to her God, His name is El. Therefore for Naomi asking herself to be called Mara, can be seen as a frustration on the one end or as a day she curses the day she was born, like [Job3:1]. It makes us relook at our own speech in times of distress to ensure we are not blaspheming as in attributing things of our Creator to others or doings of others to our Heavenly Father.
  • [Ruth1:20] Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me. [Job27:2] states and the Almighty, who hath vexed (H4843) my soul; the word vexed and bitterly is the same word marar. It only occurs in 15 verses. Hence the only two evidences I have of is that of David and Israelites in Egypt. David, when Amalekites invaded and took all of the women and children captive in [1Sam30] and David inspite of the bitterness, David encouraged himself in Yah his Elohim [1Sam30:6]. The children of Israel in [Exo1] when they were embittered [Exo1:14], cried out to Yah [Exo2:23]. Our response to when bitterness is felt or engulfs us, is to cry onto our Creator who is our Heavenly Father.
  • [Ruth1:21] the LORD hath testified against me. In the limited reading, Yah never speaks against us or testifies against us. Only Satan or other men testifies against us. Its our iniquities that testify against us [Jer14:7]. If seen as a mark of exasperation from the point of Naomi, its understandable, how she attributes this to YHVH. As [Psa92:15] proclaims, YHVH is upright and there is no wickedness in Him. [James1:13] Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. Therefore, Yah is the judge and not the testifier.
  • [Ruth1:21] Almighty hath afflicted me. As [Isa45:6-7] states, "There is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these". Hence Naomi, was correct in attributing the afflictions from the hand of Yah, since afflictions can be punishment or judgement for sin or transgressions - the biggest affliction of them all was taken by our Messiah, when YHVH poured His wrath on His only son. Afflictions can also be an attack by Satan, as in the case of Job, when Yah allowed Satan to have dominion over Job's life and health, by removing His hedge of protection.
  • [Ruth1:21] I went out full and YHVH hath brought me home again empty. This is patently not true as Naomi comes back with Ruth, even if its not what she left with. Although, this becomes apparent by the end of the story, even at this point, Naomi doesnt recognize the simple fact that she has a friend and younger helper with her to support her in her old age.

Barley and Wheat

A detailed writeup is here

Feasts of YHVH

The first inidication of a feast (H2282 chag) is at the end of chapter 1, in [Ruth1:22], when Naomi and Ruth return back to Bethlehem, it is the beginning of the barley harvest, which is typically in the first month of the year of Yah, Abib. This has the significance of Passover/Pesach, Feast of Unleavened Bread and First Fruits. Typically First Fruits is when the first of the harvest of barley is taken into the temple of YHVH as a wave offering [Lev23:10-11]. Its also significant that, following the barley harvest following First Fruits, we start counting the omer towards the next feast - Shavuot or Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. This signifies, how this time of the year has the redemptive power of Yah to feed His people and the people are thankful for the bounties He blesses. Even today the Jewish tradition calls for reading of the book of Ruth duing Shavuot.

A view of the calendar cycle contrasted with the harvest and the feasts can be seen here


  • Obedience over Understanding. This is the lesson from how Ruth follows Naomi. This becomes abundantly clear through chapters 2 and 3. Therefore I must be obedient, even if my understanding is not complete, as God reveals His wisdom to me through my walk with Him.
  • Continue to pray to God, that complacency or malice or frustration or dispair doesnt set in like it had for Naomi, atleast through her words in chapter 1. The attributions of some of the action to YHVH is questionable, even if the sentiment is understandable. Therefore, let me be diligent, Heavenly Father, so I dont falter and attribute characteristics wrongly to You, thereby blaspheming you. [Heb12:5-6] And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
  • Recognize the cycles of the year that God has created to enjoy His creations that He has given me to have dominion over. This includes the small plot of land to grow, live off, give thanks and see His handiwork. The feasts cycle is more important than the agricultural cycle, as the agricultural cycle are but markers to remind Yah's calendar. Never miss an opportunity to commune with Yah and celebrate His name and give thanks for His blessings.
  • If times of tribulation arrive, I need to look to YHVH for guidance on if
    • it was due to an unrecognized sin of mine
    • a door I have opened for the enemy to attack through the world or demonic opression
    • end times being near and the tribulation is what our Messiah spoke off
    • In either of the cases, this is something Yah has allowed it to purify me, thereby I must repent and celebrate in our Savior. If I survive this, I glorify His name, by singing His praises and talking about His testimonies. If I die, I get to sleep until I am raised up during the judgement day to see my Messiah, face to face.