Psalms 1

The version used is KJV

Language and Words study

  • Synonymous parallelism

    • 1 if we take wicked, sinners and scoffers as equivalent
    • 5
  • Developmental parallelism

    • 1 if we take the development of the concept of wicked to sinners to scoffers or walk, stand, sit
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Illustrative parallelism

    • 1 since blessed is illustrated
    • 2 & 3, 2 is illustrated in 3
  • Contrastive parallelism

    • 3 vs 4
    • 1-3 vs 4-5
    • 6 righteous vs wicked
  • Simile

    • 3 like a tree
    • 4 like chaff
  • Personification/Zoomorphism

    • righteous as tree and the yielding of fruits
    • wicked blown like a chaff
  • Cause & effect

    • wicked are driven away
    • righteous are blessed and prospers

Word study

Verse 1

  • blessed ehsher H835; happy and blessed as in transgressions are forgiven
  • walk halak H1980; live, manner of life, traverse, same as Gen5:22
  • counsel etsah H6098 advise, purpose. [2Ch10:8] references the same word when Rehoboam forsook the counsel of old men
  • wicked rasha H7563; guilty, against God, sin, hostile to God, actively bad person. [Job34:8] walk with wickedness is equivalent to committing inquity and [Pro6:12] wicked is compared to walks with a perverse mouth/crooked/distort

Verse 5

  • judgement mishpat H4941; ordinance

More verses to come

Summary & Application

  • Dont live in the manner after the advise of the ungodly (or the world) or anyone who is wicked who is an actively bad person. This also mean not to interact with sinners by commiserating and dwelling in their sins or your sin. Dont inhabit or live among any boastful or prideful or arrogant men. Since wickedness results in sin and sin leads to pride or scorn, which leads to more wickedness. Hence wicked->sin->scoffer->wicked is a cycle. Not that you need to start in that order, but you can enter into this cycle anywhere and if you dont watch it, you start to perpetrate that cycle. [1Sam24:13] summarizes it the best out of the wicked comes forth wickedness.

  • Desire with a longing desire, with a pleasureful purspose and willingness to do the law in obedience of the grace shown by our Heavenly Father to celebrate being part of His family through the blood of His Son, my Lord Jesus Christ. Meditate, ruminate, memorize by repetition and mastery by living it. [Psa139:23-24]

    Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

  • YHWH knows my very intent, my heart, my direction and course as Adam knew Eve. Hence I need to take my thoughts captive and let my Lord search my heart and my thoughts to sift what is accpetable to be offered to The Most High as a living sacrifice.

  • The righteous life is known by the fruits and the leaves, in being firmly planted to provide the roots needed for our family and community. It is not just earthly posessions but the spiritual ones in terms of the spiritual gifts, primary of them is the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in the will of our Heavenly Father, almighty Yah, as Abhraham did.