Notes on The Life of a God-made Man Sec1

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The main points of this section (chapters 1/2) of the book can be summarized as follows

  • culture, world and our own flesh distorts the definition of manhood
    • we try to start with techniques tips and tricks which never produce the lasting results we originally desired
    • even if it does produce a lasting change, it ends up not authentic
    • its all end up being self-directed and relying on our internals
  • God's love which was extended first to us and His grace alone can transform us
    • through Holy Spirit our change is not only permanent but aligned with HIM
    • dependence on God is the only way to achieve true manhood

The emphasis is on being over doing; character over technique. The reason for this is to break us from our current cultural paradigms that have evolved into a confusing mess of palcebos.

Everything is technology and tool driven, primarily driven by our smugness that come with our progress and hence our trust in science and technology. We feel that we can bundle success into recipes, to-dolists, processes or rules. Anything that is step-based, sounds methodical and has an air of assurance/surety.

This is also driven by our culture of athletes, movie stars, super heroes, reality shows and misplaced trust in idols. Center to this thinking is that we can be center to and for our own change. It really doesnt matter about our heart but all change is self-directed and self-fulfilled.

But you see the fracturing even in these movements of GTD or Tim Ferris 4HWW or any of the variants. The hole and the void created by a reliance on technology and techniques pushes these promoters to subscribe meditation, becoming one with nature, stoic philosophy or other forms of transcendentalism.

Even Christians are susceptible to this mode. Dan talks about this as Nike Christistianity - where the just do it and performance based approach is prevalent. This disconnects the heart and makes the growth and success rules based, similar to the secular teachings.

The true way to break out of this cycle is to recognize the fact that the change and the transformation has to come from without, outside of us, from God. Knowing that God loves us and showered us with His grace which saves some of us, is the starting point of recognizing that all change is super natural if it has to be permanent and complete/whole (without any void), being sealed by the HOLY SPIRIT.

One way to keep making progress is to keep living the Gospel and acknowledging and understanding what Jesus did for us. This confirms the fact that we dont produce good works in order to get God's love, but because of His love. Way of wisdom, trust and gratitude trumps way of merit, fear and accomplishments.

Obedience then is motivated by the wisdom, relationship, God's grace instead of legalism, fear or reward based. Obedience is one of the way we express our love back to God. Going to Him constantly, putting our trust, praying, signing His praises, reading and discerning His Words and meditating on His attributes are other ways to show our love towards Him. These make it such that we go beyond the legalism and rule based obedience.

Gospel -> justifies us which releases us from self condemnation -> this reconciles us with God as our sins are forgiven -> which then redeems us and then propiates God's love.

The 4 archetype of manhood are promoted by our culture and world around us. We need to look at biblical perspective on how we can take the good from these and ground it in the Word. The tough guy, good provider, softer man and self-actualized man.

Detailed analysis of this coming soon...