Notes on The Life of a God-made Man Sec1 - Part2

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The 4 archetype of manhood are promoted by our culture and world around us. We need to look at biblical perspective on how we can take the good from these and ground it in the Word. The tough guy, good provider, softer man and self-actualized man.

These can be simplified in the following table -

  Bad Good
Tough guy Self absorbed in other ways Self governing and not open Self contained Makes it hard to grow as you can never give fully in whats asked Jesus was a true tough guy He was picking fights, working in the shop loosing sleep, leading men and took on the most challenging decision to save humanity Sacrifice not for self
Good provider Artificial rules on himself and wife Shortens the outlook on physical and monetary providing So tired so nothing left to give and uses that to justify himself Self worth comes from money job titles God is the best provider Start with your family but then go beyond your family as Jesus did
Softer man Luke warm as driven by PC culture Unbalanced, can never be true head of the house. Often confused Thoughtful, understanding, respecting in nature Emotional when needed and listens and empathizes when appropriate
Self-actualized man Self defined path Metrics, purpose driven - purpose comes from the world and self Tenet of - more to life than just work Awareness and connection to God, Gods creation (nature). Goal and purpose driven that comes from God.

The main theme that comes from this section is that of human responsibility to have the discipline to execute what God has already done in us. Hence having a bible-centered God inspired life is the best. This has antidote for everything to do with the current world. Stop searching in self-help sections. True change and living of that comes from God.