Notes on The Gospel According to John Ch5

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Key words & phrases

  • 1

    • a feast: Greek heorte means festival. In the Hebrew, its chag the same word used in Exodus. This could be one of the high holy feats or just Pesach, Passover
    • went up to Jerusalem: since Jerusalem is holy and 2600ft above sea level, even if its geographically south or Nazareth and Galilee, its refered to going up to
  • 2

    • sheep gate: from [Ne3:1, 3:32] the gate through which the sacrificial sheep were brought
    • Bethesda: house of mercy, appropriate for the sick folks seeking healing
  • 4

    • this verse was not there in earlier manuscripts (pre 840) hence have been only inserted as a post-script to add the superstitious belief to corroboate the healing property of the pool and why the multitude of sick were there
  • 5

    • thirty-eight: might be significant as it might harken back the 38 years the Israelites suffered in wanderings from Kadesh-barnea to Zered [Deu2:14]. Its a long time and was a punishment of God due to their sins and grumblings
  • 6

    • Do you wish to be healed: This man had been like this for a long time and might have gotten used to the victim mentality to earn a living and sympathy through his lameness. Hence any change to his status-quo will change his status in the society and might be required to work or find ways to support himself. He also might not get the sympathises he was once used to. But more than that, I think its demonstrates that its still a matter of choice. Its a matter of our choice to follow Jesus who will give us a new heart and life as we are renewed by His Blood, but we have to still choose. [Mat19:22] provides an instance when a rich young ruler walks away from the choice, even if he knew what it was going to yield him. In the end, why did Jesus choose this man - [Rom9:13-15] demonstrates that its all part of God's soverignity.
  • 7

    • no man to put me in the pool: This shows the man was still relying on his superstitious belief of being the first in the angel stirred pool will heal him. He had no idea it was Jesus Christ whom he was talking to. It takes us back to our own faults, where we rely on what we know (our methods) to tell God how to work to our benefits, instead of letting God do His work as He pleases.
  • 8

    • pick up your pallet and walk: pallet here in Greek is krabbatos more like a quilt or crude pallet to protect him from the ground, like a mattress for the poor. This command demonstartes the immediate healing, along with Jesus using this to confront the Pharisees, eventually (since it was against their talmudic laws to carry an object of comfort and transport it from a private to a public place). Pick up your pallet and walk appears 4 times from 5:8 to 5:12
  • 10

    • not permissible: God commanded one rule for Sabbath to not work and keep it holy. That was God's principle. But the Jews since the return from Babylon had made 1500+ new rules around it for what to do and not do on Sabbath day. One of that was to not carry heavy load or object of comfort. The other was to not carry from a private to public place.
  • 13

    • not know who it was: The man didnt have any clue who had just healed him.
    • slipped: ekneuo in Greek is to move away or slip away or withdraw. There could also be some stealth or quickness movement that comes from craftiness. [Lk5:16] talks about how Jesus would often slipaway to pray. The other place is [1Sa 9:10] when Saul tried to pin David, David slipped away so Saul only stuck the spear to the wall.
  • 14

    • do not sin anymore: This indicates that his lameness had brought about by his sin in the past. Also its using negated Greek present imperative, as in keep on refusing to do this. This doesnt automatically say all ailments are brought about by sin. In all its a matter of God's Soverign Will and for the Glory of God. There are 4 ways ailments and illness can be brought about

      1. its a result of the original sin, with the fall of man in Genesis 3. Death entered the world, when Adam and Eve sinned. [Rom5:12]
      2. its a result of some one else's sin against us. David's act in sending Uriah in the front line of the fiercest battle [2Sa 11:15]
      3. its a result of demonic or Satan's attacks. Job expalins how all of his ailments was brought about by Satan. There were several demon possessed folks who were cured by Jesus in the Gospels.
      4. its a result of our sin, which earns God's wrath [Gen12:17, Ex15:26, Deu7:12-16]
  • 15

    • told the Jews that it was Jesus: demonstrates the man was more worried about people pleasing than being grateful for what Jesus had done, even if he didnt believe Jesus was the Messiah.
  • 16

    • persecuting Jesus: Greek word is dioko which means aggressively chase, as a hunter pursues his catch. Again this is happening as Jesus is not a Pharisee and is not keeping the talmudic laws of the Sabbath
  • 17

    • working: Greek word is ergázomai which means to work or accomplish. Better tranlation is My Father presently works. The root word ergon means to accomplish and carry out inner desire or an intention or purpose. The same word is used in [Phil2:13] - for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
  • 18

    • God His own Father: in traditional Jewish culture, the first born is in equality or equivalence with the authority of the father. The Greek word isos is similar in level or value. We get our isometric and isosceles words. [Phil2:6] uses the same word in invoking the fact that He did not regard equality with God a thing. Hence [Jn10:33] states as to why the Jewish rulers/establishment felt Jesus was blashpeming, as He was claiming equality with God.
  • 19,20

    • sees and shows: Greek word used for sees is blepo which is to be observant and watchful, suggests "seeing something physical, with spiritual results (perception), i.e. carrying what is seen into the non-physical (immaterial) realm to take the needed action (respond, beware, be alert). This word has the indication of faith and related. Greek word for show is deiknymi, there are several use of this word with the same meaning, except in [1Tim 6:15] where it means to bring about.
  • 24

    • A version of the Gospel preached. Hear the word of Jesus, believes God the Father who sent Jesus; has eternal life as in passed out of death unto life, and doesnt come in judgement. the Greek word is krisis which means to separate, distinguish, judge, typically negeative judgement.
  • 27

    • Son of Man: this was first used in [Ez2:1]. [Dan7:13] is the reference here, where Jesus is the One coming on the clouds, who was given dominion over all things.

      I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him.

  • 29

    • resurrection: Greek word is anastasis means stand up again. The concept of eternal life, resurrection on the last day was known to Jews. [Dan12:2] references that Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. [Jn11:24] Martha mentions to Jesus that her brother Lazarus will rise again in the resurrection on the last day. [Isa26:19] Your dead will live; Their corpses will rise. You who lie in the dust, awake and shout for joy, For your dew is as the dew of the dawn, And the earth will give birth to the departed spirits. [Ex13:19] mentions Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for Joseph had made the sons of Israel solemnly swear, saying, “God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones with you from here.”

    Verses 24-29 speak of hearing the voice of our Messiah, Jesus to be born again or raised up from death unto life. Hearing the voice of the Son of God and those will live. This could be the direct meaning of people who are dead who will hear and will either pass out of death into life or suffer judgement. [Jn11:43] Jesus said Lazarus come forth and when Lazarus, a dead man heard His voice, he came forth. It could also mean, people who are dead in spirit [Eph2:1], and the Gospel makes us born again. This concept of having a surface meaning and a deeper meaning is the style called mashal and nimshal. Mashal a parable or something that has a moral or meaning, while nimshal is the deeper hidden meaning of what was being said. [2Sam12:1-4] uses this in using a parable to show David's sin by prophet Nathan. This style is used heavily by Jesus' in his use of parables for teaching the truth.

  • 31

    • testimony: Greek word is martyría which means reputation, testimony, witness; and in Hebrew its eduwth. Typical Jewish system require two witness or testimony to confirm the truth, but in this case Jesus gives 4 different Observations

      1. John the Baptist, [Jn5:33]
      2. His works, performed by attribution to God the Father [Jn5:36]
      3. God the Father, if the word of God was abiding in the Pharisees, they would have recognized Jesus as the Son sent by the Father.
      4. The Scriptures
  • 44

    • people pleasers: We are unable to believe in Jesus, if we are worried much about what our fellow men think. This was the prideful, worldly view of the Pharisees. [Mat23:5] But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments. Worrying about the home we live, the cars we drive or being accepted in general by our fellow men, drive us blind and deaf to the word of God. The only way to combat this is to repent.
  • Moses

    • Presently, there are three forms of Judaism. Mosaic, Talmudic and Messianic. Mosaic cease to exist when the Temple fell around 70AD. Messianic is the true Judaism, who believe in Moses but recognize and accept the fulfillment of the laws in their Messiah. Every other form is a variation of Talmudic Judaisim. Most of the influences of Talmudic Judaism started to permeate the mainline culture as early as Malachi. We hear the reference back to Moses in the parable of Lazarus, the poor man [Luk16:24-31] and in [Jn5:45-47]. Although we dont see many Jews accepeting their own Messiah, as the end time nears, there will be a regathering of Jewish believers [Luk21:24], [Isa35:1] and [Jer16:14-15]. Moses, himself had prophesied the coming of Jesus in [Deu18:15] The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your [fn]countrymen, you shall listen to him.

Diety of Jesus Christ

  • 17 working like His Father
  • 19 doing like His Father
  • 20 Father loves His Son
  • 21 Son can give life to dead
  • 22,27 Son judges
  • 23 all honor Son as they do the Father
  • 25 hearing His word we will live
  • 27 Son of Man referencing Dan7:13-14]
  • 28,29 He is the final judge
  • 30 He does the will of the Father

Jews in John5

The word Jews is used in all of our english Bibles in various chapters in John. I think they mean different sets of people based on the context. Here is what I mean. Jews are called Ioudaios in Greek. In [Jn5:1] the reference to the larger people of Israel who are Jews, as this is one of the high holy days. In [Jn5:10], Jews here is the ruling class of Sanhedrin or the class of Pharisees, as everyone in Jerusalem at this time is a Jew. I draw this from [Jn1:19] where the same word is used for the set of people sending a delegation to check on John the Baptist.

Key Observations

  • [Jn5:1-9] is the 3rd miracle documented by John of the 7 in his Gospel. It only occurs in John's Gospel and in no other.
  • The man didnt have faith, was selected from a multitude (when possibly more deserving or lamer folks were there), didnt know who Jesus was and was more worried about being judged by Pharisees than worrying about God.
  • [Jn5:19-47] is the second discourse with emphasis on His diety and equality with God the Father, Gospel message for the time (until He expands further as time goes by), His testimonies/witnesses and finally, the real reason Jews will not accept their Messiah.