Notes on Ephesians 4:14-16

One of the main benefits of the scriptures is to take valuable lessons from the books of the Bible to apply to our current state of affairs or current chapter of our life. This post explores how verses Eph 4:14-16 applies currently with some examples.

I start this post from verse 14, as [in NASB] it starts with indicative words As a result

Paul has setup leading upto this, in how we are to be in unity with the rest of the fellow believers in Church, each with unique function and roles that make the body whole. He has also emphasized the gifts we have as we have come into the body that is Church.

He then warns us not be like children, who are more like scheming young adults [1 Cor 14:20] instead of the infant references that Jesus makes in [Mat 11:25, Luk 10:21]. Here the difference is that we should not be gullible or immature where we are taken advantage of by the world or the devil. The way he asks to follow is to be in fath and not be tossed by the winds of every doctrine, like the surf of the sea tossed by wind [Jas 1:6]. Then the use of the words craftiness and trickery which point to the world and satan. [Job 5:13] ta;ls about cunning, scheming diviners which is used in [1 Co 3:19] where Paul says wise in this age is folly with God, where He catches the wise in their craftiness. This means that we need to be sound in our theology and not tamper with God's truth [2Co 4:2]. [2Co 11:4] talks about the effect of preaching a different gospel and how we have to bear that.

[Gen3:1] references serpent as crafty - the Hebrew world 'aruwm. This word crafty is used in positive light in various Proverbs [Pro 12:16,12:23,13:16] as being prudent, while in this context is that of how it was used in [Gen 3:1]. In NT, [Luke 20:23] also references this in answer to Pharisees, who are crafty. The craftiness and the false doctrines or altered gospel are referenced in several places [Matt 16:11-12, Acts 20:28-30, Matt 7:15-20].

[Col 2:18] talks about the discernment needed to not be defrauded of our prize by self-abasement, worshipping of angels and on our visions puffed up without reason by our fleshly, sensuous mind. This sums up the vigilence that is needed to be on constant watch on what we intake - be it literature/reading, movies/TV/images or songs/music.

When I was a non-believer, late in 2008 I read Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. I was taken by the references to Robert Bly, the movie references to James Bond and Perfect World the movie. I spent next several months and year chasing the references to understand how to be a real man. The references to fishing or bear hunting or wild excursions or drinking or eating meat just didnt appeal. In addition, I didnt understand the theology of the Father and the wound being referenced.

Fast forward to this week. I picked up the book from my library last night after I had a discussion with a friend this week who was a Christian. As I started to read it, I was turned off by the emphasis on the false teachings and lack of Biblical references. In addition, the focus was on self and to exalt manhood, while the focus should be on God and to exalt His name. There was no real mention of our sin and how to rely on God to overcome that which is dragging us down. In addition, the book now justified how we can be who we are or follow our wild desires of our heart, while putting down obedience, humility, gentleness and other virtues. May be there is some good in it, but the overall theology was so bad that I couldnt go past the first few chapters.

I thank my Heavenly Father and the gift of the Holy Spirit to keep a full watch on everything I am consuming. There are still things that slip me due to my laziness, comfort or lack of my trying. As I continue to pray, I ask my Lord Jesus to grant me the wisdom and the reliance on Him to discern the truth.