Malachi Ch4 verse 1to6

The version used is KJV


These 6 verses shall point to three time frames

  1. the first coming of our Messiah, during 1st century AD
  2. the second coming of our Messiah, when He will come as Mossiach-ben-David. to rule over all, referencing Revelation
  3. it could apply to us now, either physically or spiritually or both.

Here is how I see it across the 6 verses

  • v1: 2
  • v2: 1/2/3
  • v3: 2
  • v4: 1/2/3
  • v5: 1/2
  • v6: 2

Consuming Fire

The word play is amazing - the word day used is yom [H3117] from a unused root that actually means hot. Hence in how it shall burn as an oven which is more of a consuming fire as in fire eating all it sees [H1197]. The groups that are burnt up and consumed are those who are proud and wickedly. As [Psa10:4] states, the wicked in their pride will not seek after Yah and the God is not in all his thoughts. In addition, the burning up is not just the brnaches, but consumes the roots, which might indicate that not only offsprings but the parents and in some cases as in Romans 11, it could mean nations. This is a serious warning which might be pointing to the second coming.


The remnant, those who fear/revere Yah will have joy and healing. The imagery in v2 is points to both life giving sun which is contrasted with the heat/fire in v1 to be that of healing, where the fruits are produced from the growing power of the sun - this is showed in the image of the sun rays being its wings. The joy is depicted with the image of the calves let out of the stalls into pasture, which grows to be fat and healthy, leaping and happy. This theme of the remnant harkens back to [Mal3:16-17], who are the special treasures of Yah. This points to [Jer30:17] where the wounds are healed and restored to health, [Jer33:6] reveals abundance of peace and truth and [Isa35:6] where the blind wil see, deaf will hear and the lame will leap.

This remnant also also tread down the wicked, who are burnt up and ashes at this point, as shown in [Mal4:3]. The remnant has the promise given to Israel in [Deu11:24] and the enemies and adversaries who afflicted the remnant will be at their feet [1Sam60:14] and [Mic5:8]

And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

Spirit of Elijah

The reference to Elijah in [Mal4:5] has a definite tone towards the second coming (#2 from above), although it could be #1 as well, since John the Baptist came in the Spirit of Elijah. I personally think it is more plausible its the second coming (#2) due to the following reasons

  • the reference to day of Yah in [Mal4:5] has definitely the end times ring, from [Isa13:9], [Jer46:10], [Joel1:15], [Joe2:31], [2Pe3:10] and many more. This is the day the wicked are judged, where the Lord cometh as thief at night, sun turned to darkness and moon turned to blood, destruction of sinner.
  • Elijah's time during the reign of Ahab [1King18] was one of the lowest point of Israel's history, where the entire kingdom, driven by the king and queen (Jezebel) was in deep idolatory and witchcraft. The people had turned to Baal and Ashtoreth and were practicing all of the wickedness that went against the covenant Yah made with them as well as what they did with Yah in the wilderness and during Joshua's time respectively. Elijah came to restore the name of Yah in this climate. Although, he was unable to defeat Jezebel (until she was killed by Jehu), he was able to defeat the false religion of Baal at the time by slaying the false prophets.
    • The first coming had a good bit of false religion using the Talmudic Judaism and the Kabballah and several false prophets. But it will be nothing compared to what is to come
    • The second coming as outlined in Revelations depicts the raise of false religions using the Anti-christ and the various false prophets. [Rev17] is the key chapter that paints how the kings have committed fornications with mystery Babylon and the Jezebel [Rev2:20] which has seduced the church. Hence, we need Elijah with the same battle he waged on Mount Carmel, to be fighting the false church with its false prophets and false prophetesses.
    • turning of fathers to son and sons to fathers could point to families coming together, where before the families were dis-integrating, as well as the sons to look towards their fathers like the prophets urged often to look to Israel's patriarchs during the exile periods of Israel.


  • Fear Yah
    • [Psa25:14] The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.
    • [Psa34:9] O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.
    • [Psa86:11] Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.
    • [Psa103:13] Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
    • [Psa111:10] The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.
    • [Psa147:11] The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.
  • Remember the law of Moses with statutes and commandments. A detailed writeup coming on this
  • Be watchful of the end times, where false prophets and religions will arise from inside the church and will require Elijah put down the prophets of Jezebel. Will we be one of the 100s that Obadiah preserved in the caves or one of the 7000 who didnot bow the knee to Baal?
  • Beware that the judgement of Yah will start with the House of Yah [1Pe4:17]