Malachi Ch3 verse 1to4

The version used is KJV


There are two Messengers in [Mal3:1], the first can mean any of the following

  • the author Malachi, the word means my messenger
  • the same person from [Isa40:3] who is preparing the way
  • can be Levi or a descendent of Levi from [Mal2:7]
  • if its the descendent of Levi, it can point to Zacharias, the priest at the time of Jesus' birth and father of John the baptist
  • it could also point to John the Baptist, who comes in the spirit of Elijah from [Mal4:5]

All of the above fit rightly to the context of the my messenger in the first part of the verse. While the second messenger used points to someone different, as that messenger is a messenger of the covenant, and this messenger will come to the temple and from [Mal3:2] this messenger of the covenant is like a refiner's fire and a fuller soap. This messenger although using the same Hebrew word, Malak, is actually pointing to the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit, as its the messenger of the covenant. [Isa63:9] uses the same language of angel of his presence, which confirms this is our Lord.

Days of Old & Former years

Old refers to antiquity but also everlasting or forever and ever [Gen3:22], while former can mean ancient or eastern. This could then either point to the days of Abraham or to Jacob, from whom the Levites are descended from.

Refine Silver

The word for refine from [Mal3:3] tsaraph, which could also mean smelt and test. [Jdg7:4] uses the same word of when LORD tries the people, as He speaks to Gideon. Its also used in context in [Psa12:6] words of the LORD are pure as silver, tried in a furance of earth, purified seven times. The purpose of the smelting or tsaraph is to take away the dross from silver [Pro25:4]. [Isa1:25] LORD will turn His hand upon me and purify purge away the dross and take all thy tin. But the most chilling verse is [Dan12:10]

Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

[Zec13:9] has a similar text

And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

The refining points to the end times [Dan11:35] where they will be tried (same word tsaraph) to make them white.

The readings provide two salient points:

  1. silver as much as its precious, has dross and only the fire and smelting/testing can purify the silver with dross burned away
  2. if its not silver and just dross, then the entire material is consumed

This provides hope: even if we are saved, the sins are like dross and only the trials and testing by LORD can purify us to be perfect for sacrificing to the LORD. Hence the tests and trials must be welcome for believers as its the way God tests and tries us to purify us, to make us worthy so all our offerings can be a pleasing aroma to Him.


In addition to the above note on trials, tests and tribulation as a joyful occasion to build our faith in the LORD, [1Sam15:22] points to obedience being better than sacrifice and to take heed is better than any of the fat offerings. Hence staying and being obedient to God is more important than coming up with various forms of tithes and sacrifices.