Malachi Ch2 verse 1to9

The version used is KJV

Priming questions & background

  • Leviticus 8 and Exodus 28 and 29 covers the consecration of high priest. How does the high priest and the consecration point to our High Priest?
  • The word torah/law appears 4 times in Chapter 2 and covenant is used 7 times in the entire book, 4 times in [Mal2:1-9]. Do we think there is any relationship between the two?
  • What is the covenant God/LORD made with Levi that is called out in Chapter 2?


As we saw in the background on the priests and high priests, this provides the background for this chapter.

The overall outline is as follows -

  • there is a command from God to the Levites [Mal2:1], who are supposed to be the messengers of God [Mal2:7]
  • the command in the verses we are studying are
    • to fear the name of God [Mal2:5]
    • know the law God gave, specifically the 10 commandments and the specific instructions given in the first 5 books of the Bible, including all of the ceremonial and rules for living. [Mal2:6]
    • not do the opposite of the law [Mal2:6]
    • continue practicing and walking with God by following the law [Mal2:6]
    • speak truth to others and turn them away from their sin [Mal2:6]
    • be just and equitable to others by being partial [Mal2:6,9]
  • if they dont take it to heart and apply, there will be repurcusions [Mal2:2-3], since they have gone against the commands in past hence broken the covenant [Mal2:8]. The main sins being, the Levites departed from following and keeping the law, and by not helping the people keep the law, hence making the people stumble.
  • there will be further confirmation that it was sent from God as the command is to ensure the covenant with Levi continues on [Mal2:4-5], where the Levites will become contemptible before all people, when they were supposed to be an authority in law, wore ostentious garments and were generally looked up as men in authority [Mal2:9]


The word peace referenced is shalom, which is more than just peace as we know it. It is a rich word to mean blessings, completeness, soundness, welfare, prosperity and health.

As we saw in the priests writeup, the phrase covenant of peace appears with respect to Levites in [Num25:12-13] when Phineas, grandson of Aaron, stops the plague by killing Zimri and Cozbi. The general reference to the people with the covenant of peace appears in the blessing part of Isaiah and Ezekial. [Isa54:10], [Eze34:25,Eze37:26]

When the commands were kept by the Levites, God promises to turn curse into blessing [Deu23:5]

The play on words in the reference to corrupting of seed and spreading of dung, uses the Hebrew words zera (seed) and zarah (spread). This evokes spreading of seeds when planting, but instead the seed is cursed and the dung is spread. From [Eze29:14], we know the dung was burnt, indicating the repurcussions of the curse. The other reasons for the reference to the refuse of the feats, might have been to do with the fact that God hated their feasts [Amos5:21], which indicates the degradation of the feasts as they forgot the original intent to worship and be set apart for God, to celebrate the blessing and to reflect and be thankful (for bringing them out of Egypt - Pesach, celebrating a harvest - Shavout, remembering the feasts even while they were in wilderness - Sukkot).


The biggest learning from the first 9 verses are the following -

  1. All positions of authority or leadership comes from God.
  2. When position of authority or leadership is given by God, the expectation God has increases significantly, as the men and women get to influence other people of God
  3. The way the people of leadership can falter can be in how they lead the people by the teaching both by words and by their walk, and by showing partiality in how they deal with their people. We will explore the partiality in law and not treating with equity in the next set of verses.

The overall message around speaking truth and walking with the Lord, brings up the message from Lord Jesus to the 7 churches in the book of Revelations, specifically the chuch of Thyatira and Sardis. More on this in the next several studies.