Hebrews Chapter 6 Study on Eternal Security and the ramifications

The version used is KJV

This post addresses key verses in Hebrews that warns believers on staying steadfast and not falling away. This is not an exhaustive study but a short one within the context of Hebrews.


The bookends of Chapter 6 of the book of Hebrews is about Melchizadek and how Yeshua/Jesus is our High Priest in the order of Melchizadek. [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.5.11]]-[[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.20]] is the setup for Chapter 7.

  • It will be difficult to understand and learn about Melchizadek [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.5.11]]
  • We need to grow in our maturity as believers and followers of Yeshua [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.5.12]] - [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.5.14]]
  • Warning not to leave the foundations that has been taught [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.1]]-[[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.2]]
  • Warning on those who fall away [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.4]] - [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.6]]
  • Measure of fuit [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.7]] - [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.8]]
  • Commendation on the work of early believers [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.9]] - [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.12]]
  • Assurance of hope and steadfastness, using the example of Abraham [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.11]] - [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.15]]
  • Immutability of God and our hope on something steadfast that can be relied upon; also contrast of human oath vs Godly oath. [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.16]] - [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.18]]
  • Hope as an anchor for our soul to enter into the Holy of the Holies with Yeshua as our High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizadek [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.19]] - [[kjv/Hebrews/Hebrews.6.20]]

Topic Study

Once saved always saved vs blessed assurance

Conditional vs Just->Sanct->Glo

Fall away examples

As a believer, if you watch porn every day vs quit porn for few days and came back vs quit for a year and key coming back etc.

Saved as the end goal vs serving the King

Lessons from Exodus and Torah to how Salvation actually works

Faith as both verb and noun

Reconciling all of these with Yeshua's teachings

Esau's unbelief ev though he sought with tears

How do you know if you are saved

City of refuge anology

Unintentional murder, city of refuge, high priest as analogy to Yeshua our High Priest for ever Prayer, repentence, heart and works

Word Study

fall away

G3895 parapipto παραπίπτω to fall beside a person or thing to slip aside to deviate from the right path, turn aside, wander to error to fall away (from the true faith): from worship of Jehovah

This word is used in LXX for Eze14:13, Eze15:8,Eze20:27, H4604 ma'al for unfaithful and trecheros act against man or God

In Eze18:24, it confirms the warning.

The confirmation of the assurance mentioned in Heb6 is again found via Heb11:6