Hebrew Chapter8 - Observation

The version used is ESV

Titles for God

  • Father - Majesty:1; God:5,10; Yah:8,9,10,11
  • Son - High Priest:1; minister in holy places:2; Kyrios/Lord:2, Christ:6

Actions of Yah

  • 5: instructed Moses, showed patterns on mountain
  • 8: found fault, spoke about establishing a new covenant
  • 10: will write His laws into hearts and mind of Israel
  • 12: not remember their sins
  • 13: nullified the old covenant

Actions of Jesus

  • 1: seated at right hand
  • 2: setup true tent
  • 6: obtained ministry, mediator of a better covenant

Actions of man

  • 3: as high priest offer gifts and sacrifices
  • 4: offer gifts according to the law
  • 5: serve as a copy, Moses received instructions from God

Repeating words

Wordcloud of the KJV text


and using ESV text


Here is the Greek Textus Receptus, without any stop words.



Outside of God, Jesus

  • high priest
  • priest
  • gifts
  • sacrifices
  • covenant
  • law/laws
  • obsolete

Figures of Speech

Again most of the metaphors are also physical and spiritual in addition to the metaphysical.

  • 2: true tent
  • 5: copy & shadow
  • 9: took them by hand, showed no concern
  • 10: into minds and into hearts
  • 13: first one obsolete, growing old, vanish away

Cause & effect

  • 1-2: high priest -> minister in holy places
  • 3: need to offer sacrifice -> have some thing
  • 4: high priest -> offer gifts and sacrifices
  • 8: found fault -> establish new covenant
  • 9: they did not continue in covenant -> Yah sjowed no concern
  • 10-11: Yah will put His laws into our mind & write it in our hearts -> we dont need to teach each other, as we will all know
  • 10: Yah will be our Elohyim -> we will be His people
  • 12: He is merciful -> remember our sins no more
  • 13: old one obsolete -> vanish away


  • 1-6: High priest in earthly tabernacle compared and contrasted to Jesus; Heavenly tabernacle compared to earthly one;
  • 6: old covenant contrasted with new, which is better
  • 8-9: house of Israel & Judah contrasted with their fathers
  • 13: old covenant contrasted with new