Hebrew Chapter7 - Observation

The version used is ESV

References and Titles for God

  • Father - God:1,3,19,25; 1: The Most High God; 21: Lord (Yah);
  • Son - 3: Son of God; 14: Lord (Kurios); 17: priest after the order of Melchizadek; 22: Jesus, guarantor of better covenant; 28: Son

Actions of Yah

As usual, there are lot of implicit actions from the giving creating men in certain way, of the law, resurrection of His Son, appointments of High Priests, begetting a Son, exalted His Son etc., but some specific ones are called out that are explicit

  • 21: swore, will not change His mind, made Jesus the High Priest

Actions of Jesus

  • 11-28: several implictly stated of offering himself, serving as a High Priest even now and forever
  • 16: Jesus became a priest by power of indestructible life
  • 22: guarantor of better covenant
  • 24: continues as High Priest
  • 25: save to uttermost, makes intercession
  • 27: offered Himself as sacrifice

Actions of man/command

  • 1: Melchizadek met Abraham, Abrham slaughtered kings, Melchizadek blessed Abraham
  • 2: Abraham gave 1/10 to Melchizadek
  • 4: Abrham gave 1/10
  • 5: Levites take tithe and perform duties of priesthood
  • 6: Melchizadek received 1/10 fro Abraham and blessed him
  • 9: Indirectly, Levites paid 1/10 to Melchizadek
  • 10: Melchizadek met with Abraham
  • 11: people received the law under Levites
  • 13: Levites serve at the altar
  • 19: command: draw near to God through hope
  • 20: Levites became priests based on their lineage
  • 25: command: we draw near to Yah thru our High Priest Jesus Christ and He is able to save us and make intercession for us
  • 27: Levites offer sacrifices daily

Repeating words

Wordcloud of the KJV text


and using ESV text


Here is the Greek Textus Receptus, without any stop words.



Outside of God, Jesus

  • Melchizadek, Abraham, Levi
  • tithe/tenth/tithed
  • priest/priestly/priesthood
  • perfection/perfect
  • order
  • change
  • forever
  • oath
  • draw near
  • guarantor
  • law
  • commandment
  • intercession


  • 2: king of righteousness, king of Salem
  • 26: holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, exalted

Figures of Speech

Again most of the metaphors are also physical and spiritual in addition to the metaphysical.

  • 9: Levi paid tithes to Melchizadek, simile/metaphor
  • 15: likeness of Melchizadek, simile
  • 18: commandment set aside, personification and hyperbole
  • draw near to God is a metaphor, as He is seated high above firmly in th heavens, but in our thoughts/meditations/actions that we draw near
  • 28: word of oath for promise

Cause & effect & means

  • 1-3: Melchizadek is the high priest -> Abraham paid 1/10 & received blessings
  • 5: commandment and law -> people pay tithes to Levi
  • 7 being superior -> blesses inferior
  • 9-10: Abraham paid tithe -> Levi paid thru Abraham
  • 11: perfection not attained thru Levites -> another priest to arise
  • 12: change in priesthood -> change in law (although change is not change as we think but transferrence, to be explored in interpretation)
  • 16: Jesus has become the priest for ever by means of the power of indestructible life
  • 21-22: Yah swore on a oath & Jesus sacrificed -> Jesus became High Priest & guarantor of better covenant
  • 24: continues forever -> permamnent priest
  • 25: lives forever interceeding for us -> able to save us to the end
  • 27: Jesus offered Himself -> no need to offer daily sacrifice
  • 28: word of oath -> appointed as Son


  • 3: Melchizadek is compared to Son of God
  • 4-11: Melchizadek is compared and contrasted to Levites
  • 5: Levites contrasted with their brothers
  • 6: Melchizadek is contrasted with descendents of Abraham
  • 7: inferior compared with superior
  • 8: mortal men who receive tithes contrasted with Jesus who lives
  • 11-28: Jesus in the order of Melchizadek is contrasted with earthly Levitical priests
  • 14: tribe of Judah compared to priests/tribe of Levi
  • 16: bodily descent contrasted with indestructible life
  • 18-19: law/command contrasted with hope
  • 20-21: without an oath contrasted with with an oath
  • 23-24: many in number contrasted to one
  • 28: law contrasted with oath