Hebrew Chapter2 - Observation

The version used is ESV

Titles for God

  • God, Theos G2316 equivalent to Elohyim: 4,5,9,13,17
  • Lord, Kyrios G2962 equivalent to Adonai: 3
  • Holy Spirit, Hagios Pnuema, G40/G4151 equivalent to Ruach haQodesh: 4
  • Founder of Salvation, signifying the Son: 10

Actions of God, the Father

  • 4 bore witness, distributed gifts
  • 5 subjected world to man
  • 7 made man, made angels, crowned man with glory and honor
  • 8 subjected everything under man
  • 10 made Son perfect through suffering
  • 13 gave men/children to Jesus
  • 17 made Jesus like man in all respect

Actions of God, the Son

  • 3 declared great salvation
  • 9 suffered death, tasted death
  • 10 brought many sons to glory
  • 11 sanctifies, calls them brothers
  • 12 tells Yah's name to his brothers, sings HalleluYah
  • 13 puts His trust in God
  • 14 partook of manly things, destroy the devil
  • 15 deliver men out of slavery
  • 16 helps sons of Abhraham
  • 17 high priest in the service God, making propitiation for our sins
  • 18 suffered and helps us who are being tempted

Actions of Holy Spirit

  • 5 gifts

Actions of man

  • 1 pay attention
  • 2 transgressed; receive just retribution
  • 12 hear Jesus sing praise
  • 15 feared death and in slavery


Hebrews - both current believers in varying degree of maturity as well as any one who identified themselves as part of the family of Abraham - this includes all the 12 tribes (even the lost ones dispersed across nations), and other descendents of Abrham.

Verbs, Pronouns...

Repeating words

Wordcloud of the KJV text


and using ESV text


Here is the Greek Textus Receptus, without any stop words.


Figures of Speech

Most of the metaphors are also real, so there is a physical, spiritual and metaphorical interpretation of these, not just purely metaphorical.

  • 1 metaphor: drift away
  • 5 metaphor: subjected the world
  • 7 metaphor: lower than angels
  • 8 metaphor: under his feet
  • 9 metaphor: lower than angels
  • 9 metaphor: taste death
  • 14 metaphor: share in flesh and blood; one who has power of death for devil
  • 15 metaphor: lifelong slavery for fear of death
  • 16 metaphor: offspring of Abraham
  • 17 simile: we are like his brothers


  • 4: signs, wonders, miracles and gifts of Holy Spirit

Cause & effect

  • 1: pay attention/heed -> not drift away
  • 2: transgress/disobey -> just retribution
  • 9: Jesus suffered death -> He was crowned with glory & he tasted death for all
  • 10: suffering -> perfected
  • 11: be sanctified -> called a brother
  • 14: thru death -> destroyed the devil
  • 15: fear of death -> slavery
  • 17: his death -> high priest; high priest -> make propitiation for sins
  • 18: Jesus was tempted and suffered -> able to help us when being tempted


  • 7: angles and men
  • 8: all under his control, but not yet
  • 9: angels and Jesus
  • 10: he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified
  • 14: Jesus vs devil
  • 15: fear of death and slavery
  • 16: angels vs offspring of Abraham
  • 17: Jesus is our brother and High Priest