Hebrew Chapter13 - Observation

The version used is ESV

Titles for God

  • Father - God:4,7,15,16,20; Yah: 5 (Dt31:6), 6 (Ps118:6); 6 Helper; God of Peace: 20;
  • Son - Jesus:8,12,20,21; our Lord:20; Great Shepherd:29;

Actions of Yah

  • 4: will judge
  • 5: spoke; will not desert nor forsake
  • 6: helps
  • 7: gave us His word
  • 16: is pleased with our sacrifices
  • 20: raised Jesus from the dead
  • 21: will equip us in every good thing

Actions of Jesus

  • 8: attribute of Jesus is that He doesnt change
  • 12: sanctified people thru His blood; He suffered outside the camp
  • 21: Jesus is our mediator

Actions of man

  • 1: command-let love of brethren continue
  • 2: command-show hospitality to strangers
  • 3: command-remember the priosners
  • 4: command-marriage is held in honor; dont defile the marriage bed
  • 5: command-character free from love of money, being content with what we have, believing in Yah
  • 6: command-be confident in Yah and not be afraid of man
  • 7: command-remember those who led us; imitate their faith
  • 8: command-know Jesus doesnt change
  • 9: command-dont be carried away from strange teachings; be strengthened by grace
  • 10: Levites served the altar
  • 11: men burnt the offerings outside the camp
  • 13: command-go outside the camp bearing His reproach
  • 14: command-seek the city to come
  • 15: command-thru Jesus, offer up sacrifice of praise and thanks to God
  • 16: command-do good and share
  • 17: command-obey, submit to leaders; leaders to watch over souls with joy and not grief
  • 18: command-pray, desire good conduct
  • 19: command-urge to do this more
  • 21: command-do His will
  • 22: command-bear with this word
  • 23: take notice Timothy is released
  • 24: greet saints

Repeating words

Wordcloud of the KJV text


and using ESV text



Outside of God, Jesus

  • Shepherd

Figures of Speech

Again most of the metaphors are also physical and spiritual in addition to the metaphysical.

  • 3: are in body->signifying church
  • 4: marriage bed undefiled
  • 7: imitate their faith->call to action
  • 9: strange teachings; carried away
  • 13: outside the camp (both literal and spiritual)
  • 14: city to come
  • 15: fruit of lips; continually offer->hyperbole
  • 20: Shepherd of the sheep
  • 23: brother Timothy

Cause & effect



  • 1/2: love and not neglect; strangers/angels
  • 3 comparing prisoners to us
  • 4: married in honor contrasted with fornicators & adulterers
  • 5: free from love of money and being content
  • 6: Yah contrasted with man
  • 7: compared us to those who lead
  • 10-13: Jesus compared to the sacrifice
  • 14: current city contrasted with city to come
  • 15: sacrifice & fruits of lips to praise and thanks
  • 16: do and dont forget
  • 17: you and folks that have rule over you; grief contrasted with joy
  • 20: Jesus compared to Shepherd