Hebrew Chapter12 - Observation

The version used is ESV

Titles for God

  • Son: 2 Jesus founder and perfector of our faith; 14: Lord; 24 Jesus Mediator of new covenant;
  • Father: 5/6 Yah (Pro3:11); 7,15,22,23,28,29 God; 9 Father of Spirits; 22 Living God; 23 Judge of All;

Actions of Yah

  • 5: disciplines and reproves [Pro3:11]
  • 6: disciplines, loves, chastises, receives
  • 7: treats us as sons
  • 9: created all spirits
  • 10: disciples us for good, wants to share His holiness
  • 14: wont see anyone who is unholy
  • 15: (implicit) shows grace
  • 18: appeared in the wilderness to meet with children of Israel
  • 19: spoke to children of Israel in wilderness
  • 20: commanded Israel
  • 22: (implicit) laid foundations for Zion/Jerusalem
  • 23: judges all
  • 26: speaks and shakes heaven and earth [Hag2:6]
  • 27: removes things that are shaken and retains that are unshaken
  • 29: consuming fire [Deu4:24]

Actions of Jesus

  • 2: founder and perfector of our faith, endured the corss, seated at right hand of Yah
  • 3: endured sinners hostility
  • 4: (implicit) shed his blood
  • 24: mediator of new covenant

Commands, Actions of man

  • 1: command- lay aside the weight and sin and run with endurance
  • 2: command- run looking to Jesus
  • 3: we sinned and were hostile to Jesus
  • 3: command- dont grow weary or faint hearted
  • 4: warning- in our struggle against sin we havent yet resisted to the point of shedding blood
  • 5: warning/command- dont forget the exhortations as sons and dont regard Yah's discipline lightly
  • 6: warning- expect discipline as from Father
  • 7: command- endure the discipline
  • 8: warning- if we are left without discipline we are but illegitimate children
  • 9: earthly fathers discipline children
  • 9: command- be subject to Yah
  • 12: command- lift our hands, strengthen our knees, walk straight
  • 14: command- strive for peace and to holiness
  • 15: command- dont become defined with bitterness
  • 16: command- remember our citizenship which our (bornagain) birth right; not be like Esau
  • 16: Esau ave up his birth right
  • 17-21: Israel and Moses feared Yah
  • 22: hope- we have come to heavenly Jerusalem, city of Living God
  • 23: hope- we are enrolled in heaven
  • 24: Abel was killed by Cain
  • 25: command- dont refuse Yah and heed His warning from heaven
  • 26: expect shaking of heavens and earth
  • 27: hope- expect to be unshaken so we can remain
  • 28: command- be grateful for receiving the kingdom that cant be shaken, offer to God acceptable worship with revenerance and awe

Character and Attributes of Yah

  • Sits in heavenly throne
  • He is a Father
  • Has His Son Jesus on right hand of His throne
  • He disciplines those He loves
  • Created all spirits
  • He is holy and needs every one who approaches His throne to be holy
  • Shows grace
  • He is awesome - blazing fire, trumpet voice
  • He judges all
  • He warns us
  • He desires acceptable worship
  • He is consuming fire

Repeating words

Wordcloud of the KJV text


and using ESV text


Keywords & phrases

Outside of God, Jesus,

  • cloud of witness
  • run with endurance
  • endure/endurance
  • look to Jesus
  • struggle
  • blood
  • discipline
  • peaceful fruit of righteousness
  • train
  • strive
  • festal gathering
  • aseembly of first born
  • enrolled in heaven
  • made perfect
  • warn
  • shake
  • acceptable worship
  • consuming fire

Figures of Speech

Again most of the metaphors are also physical and spiritual in addition to the metaphysical.

  • cloud of witness, metaphor for great a number
  • weight simile
  • run the race
  • sons as spiritual sons
  • fruit of righteousness
  • root of bitterness
  • consuming fire - literal and spiritual; purification of silver/gold, burning of chaff


  • 1: sin compared with weight
  • 2: Jesus contrasted with us - He already suffered to shed blood, we havent
  • 5-11: Yah compared and contrasted with earthly fathers, sons contrasted with illegitimate children, before and after disciple contrasted as part of training
  • 12: lift/droop, strengthen/weak
  • 13: lame/out of joint
  • 14-15: strive for peace/holiness contrasted with root of bitterness/defiled;
  • 16: we who dont strive are compared to Esau; we who commit sexual immorality compared to Esau
  • 16-17: Esau before and after rejecting and then wanting it back
  • 18-24: Wilderness/Sinai contratsted with Zion/Jerusalem, Moses contrasted wth Jesus, fear and punishment contrasted with festal gathering, blood of Jesus compared to Abel's, the children in wilderness contrasted with us of promise, they couldnt endure contrasted with us who have enrollment in heaven
  • 25: warning from earth contrasted with warning from heaven
  • 26: shaking of earth compared to shaking of earth and heaven
  • 27: shaken removes contrasted with unshaken remains


  • 1: since there are cloud of witnesses, we lay aside sin; this is done by means of fixing our eyes on Jesus
  • 3: means of not loosing heart is toconsider Jesus who has endured hostility
  • 6: if Yah disciplines, then He loves you; if Yah scourges then He has received you
  • 8: if you are without discipline, then you are illegitimate children
  • 11: means of yielding fruit of righteousness is by being trained by discipline
  • 14: pursue peace with all men and be sanctify -> see the Lord
  • 15: bitterness -> defiled
  • 16-17: immoral, sell citizenship -> rejected; find place for repentance -> not be rejected
  • 20: if a beast touches the Holy Mountain -> it will be stoned
  • 25-27: accept the kingdom of heaven -> not be shaken; we were given kingdom of heaven -> show gratitude and offer reverance to Yah