Hebrew Chapter10 - Observation

The version used is ESV

Titles for God

  • Father - God:7,12,21,31,36; Yah:16,30; Living God:31
  • Son - Christ:5,12; Jesus Christ: 10; Jesus:19; Son of God: 29; 21: great priest
  • Holy Spirit - 15; Spirit of Grace:29

Actions of Yah

  • 6: take no pleasure in burnt offerings and sin offerings
  • 7: implicit writing in the scroll of the book about Jesus
  • 16: declares, makes a covenant, put laws in the hearts and write in the minds
  • 17: not remember sins and transgressions
  • 23: promised the covenant
  • 30: will judge His people

Actions of Jesus

  • 5: came into the world, spoke to God
  • 7: to do God's will
  • 9: come to do God's will, does away with first to establish the second
  • 10: implicit Jesus sacrificed that sanctified us
  • 12: offered for all time a single sacrifice; sat down at right hand of God
  • 13: waiting for that time until his enemies will be made a footstool
  • 14: perfected for all time through a single offering
  • 20: Jesus opened the curtain through His flesh
  • 21: Jesus is the great priest over the house of God
  • 23: He promised

Actions of Holy Spirit

  • 15: bears witness to the writings of Yah thru the Prophet Jeremiah

Commands, Actions of man

  • 1-2: worshippers offered sacrifices for sins
  • 11: priest offer daily sacrifices
  • 19: command: have confidence to enter the holy places by blood of Jesus
  • 22: command: draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, hearts clean from evil conscience, our bodies washed with pure water
  • 23: command: hold fast the confession of our hope, not waver for Jesus and God are faithful
  • 24: command: consider how to stir up one another to love and good works
  • 25: command: dont neglect to meet together, encourage one another, await the Day
  • 26: dont go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth
  • 28: any one who sins dies without mercy if there are 2 or more witnesses
  • 29: command/warning: dont trample the Son of God and profane the blood of the covenant
  • 30: command: we will be judged
  • 31: command: fear falling into the hands of the Living God
  • 32: remember former days; command: endure hard struggle with sufferings;
  • 33: exposed to reproach and affictions
  • 34: command: have compassion on those in prison, accept joyfully the plundering of property, know we have a better possession
  • 35: command: dont throw away confidence
  • 36: command: endure and do the will of God, so that we receive the promise
  • 38: command: righteous shall live by faith and dont shrink back
  • 39: command: have faith and preserve our life

Repeating words

Wordcloud of the KJV text


and using ESV text


Here is the Greek Textus Receptus, without any stop words.



Outside of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit

  • sacrifices
  • sin(s)/sinning
  • clean/cleansed
  • offering(s)
  • will (of God)
  • (no) pleasure
  • law
  • sanctified
  • right hand
  • perfected
  • confidence
  • assurance
  • encourage
  • the Day
  • judge/judgement
  • affliction/suffer/struggle
  • compassion
  • joy
  • endurance
  • shrink back
  • faith
  • preserve

Figures of Speech

Again most of the metaphors are also physical and spiritual in addition to the metaphysical.

  • 10 shadow of good things
  • 13 footstool
  • 16 put laws into hearts and write in minds
  • 20 thru the curtain
  • 22 sprinkled clean, pure water
  • 25 the Day
  • 27 fury of fire
  • 28 set aside the law
  • 29 trample under foot, profane the blood
  • 35 throw away confidence

Conditionals, Means, Cause & effect

  • 1: because its a shadow, the law can never make perfect (teleio) those who draw near
  • 1-2: if the law was perfect/complete and once offered -> the worshipper would be cleansed and no longer have any conscieness of sins
  • 3: because law is not perfect/complete -> it needs to be offered every year -> reminder of sins
  • 3-4: blood of bulls and goats cant take away sins -> needs to be offered every year to cleanse the consciousness of sins
  • 7: it was written of Jesus in the scroll of the book -> He came to do Gods will
  • 10: we are sanctified by means of the offering Jesus did once for all
  • 11: people sin daily -> priest stands daily to offer the same sacrifices daily
  • 12: Christ offered the single sacrifice for sins -> sat at right hand of God and his enemies will made a footstool
  • 14: we are being sanctified for all time by the single offering
  • 16-17: because God will put His laws on our hearts and write in our minds, he will not remember the sins and lawless deeds
  • 17-18: because there is forgiveness there is no longer any offering for sin
  • 19-20: Jesus opened the curtain through His flesh -> we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus
  • 21-22: because we have a great priest over house of God in Jesus, we can draw near to the holy places with full assurance and conscience (repentence and confessions) and body cleansed (baptism)
  • 23: Because He who promised is faithful we can hold fast to our hope without wavering
  • 24-25: as we see the Day drawing near -> we meet together, encourage eachother
  • 26: after receiving the knowledge of truth if we sin -> there is no longer remain a sacrifice for those sins
  • 27: if we sin after receiving knowledge of truth -> we can expect the judgement reserved for adversaries
  • 28: set aside law of Moses + 2-3 witnesses -> death without mercy
  • 29: trample underfoot Son of God -> worse punishment
  • 29: profaned the blood of the covenant -> outraged the Spirit of grace
  • 30-31: Yah's writings on vengeance is mine and Yah will judge His people -> fear falling into the hands of living God
  • 32: you were enlightened which helped you endure a hard struggle
  • 33: sufferings were by means of publicly exposed to reproach and affliction and partners to those so treated
  • 34: you knew you had a better possession and an abiding one -> you had compassion and joyfully accepted plundering of your property
  • 33-35: because you have a better possession and were enlightened and have endured suffering, do not throw away our confidence -> great reward
  • 36: need endurance to do the will of God -> you may receive the reward
  • 37-38: He will not tarry and come -> live by faith; but anyone draws back -> no pleasure in him
  • 39: shrink back -> be destroyed; have faith -> preserve life


  • the old and the renewed covenant
  • sacrifices offered every day contrasted with sacrifice of Jesus
  • blood of bulls and goats contratsed with blood of Jesus
  • first compared with second
  • living in faith contrasted with sinning deliberately
  • setting aside the law of Moses vs trampling Son of God under foot
  • former days compared with current day
  • 38: righteous live by faith contrasted with one who shrinks back
  • 39: shrink back and be destroyed or have faith and preserve life