Hebrew Book - Pass2

The version used is KJV


  • Jesus Christ, son of YHWH
  • Victory over death
  • He is our Salvation
  • Obtain and grow in salvation
  • How not to loose our salvation
  • Finding and being in the eternal rest
  • Jesus Christ, the High Priest order of Melchizadek
  • Change in Aaronic/Levitical priesthood
  • Earthly versus Heavenly tabernacle
  • Our Mediator of the New Covenant
  • Offering sacrifices under the New Covenant
  • Faith
    • What is it
    • How it preserves the soul
    • How to build and maintain it
  • Father's discipline
  • Look forward to the city to come - Zion

Key Concepts

  • Salvation
  • Nature of Christ
  • Promise to Abraham
  • Entering into Rest
  • Gospel preached to Israelites in wildeness
  • High priest, Royal priesthood
  • Growing mature, not being an infant
  • Paying tieth
  • Tabernacle in the wilderness vs in the Heaven
  • New covenant
  • Sacrificial system
  • Community and love of brethren
  • Faith in preserving the soul
  • Discipline of the Father
  • Eternal rest
  • Suffering & sacrifice
  • Maturing in faith