Hebrew Book - Pass1

The version used is KJV


  • Who was the human author of the book? If its Paul, what evidence is available?
  • Who are Hebrews?
  • Is this book written for me? Am I a Hebrew? How can I apply this book today?
  • [1:1] Is there any significance of using God in prophets and God in His Son?
  • [2] What are the last days? Are we in the last days?
  • [3] How is Jesus exact representation of Yah's nature?
  • [3] What is purification of sins?
  • [5] What does begotten you mean?
  • [6] Who is Him in angels worship?
  • [9] What is oil of gladness?
  • [2:1] What does paying close attention to what we have heard, look like?
  • [8] When will we see all things subject to him?. So is him referencing man or Jesus?
  • [9] What does taste death mean here?
  • [10] What does bring many sons to glory mean?
  • [15] Does fear of death imply subject to slavery all their lives? How apropos is that in todays time!
  • [16] What help is given to Abraham's descendents?
  • [17] Why couldnt an angle sacrifice for us?
  • [18] Did Jesus suffer all temptation as we do?
  • [3:1] What is my heavenly calling?
  • [3] Is Jesus the builder of Moses?
  • [5-6] Contrast servant vs son. How do we boast of our hope?
  • [12] How do we guard against unbelief so as to not fall away?
  • [19] What happened to people in the wilderness, who repented and believed - we know they did not enter the promise land, but are they saved?
  • [4:2]So hearing good news alone is not enough?
  • [6] What is disobedience?
  • [11] What is the rest? How do we enter it? How do we not loose it?
  • [5:7] How do we have piety so God hears our prayers?
  • [10] Difference in Aaronic, Levitical and the line of Melchizadek
  • [11] How can we avoid becoming dull and enjoy solid food?
  • [5:12-6:3] What are the secondary and higher things of Christ, if these are elementary? How do we strive to learn about these higher things of Jesus?
  • [6:4-8] How do we ensure we dont fall away?
  • [13] Why did God had to swear at all?
  • [7:3] Is Melchizadek Jesus, or is he a type?
  • [7] How can we bless God, when He is greater than us?
  • [12] What does change in priesthood look like and what law changed?
  • [19] If law doesnt make anything perfect then why was it given?
  • [20-21] What is the oath here? How do we bear an oath?
  • [22] What is a guarantee and what covenant is this?
  • [8:1-2] Is Jesus ministering in the heavenly tabernacle today?
  • [5] Was the tabernacle in the wilderness a type of the heavenly one?
  • [6] Why is this a better covenant and a better promise?
  • [13] What is the old covenant that is obselete?
  • [9:15] What does mediator of new covenant mean?
  • [23] Did Jesus' death cleanse the heavenly temple?
  • [26] How can Jesus' death once, put sins away for forever?
  • [10:1-14] How does obedience and fear of Yah compare with these sacrifices, since these are deemed better than sacrifices?
  • [24-25] What are the calls for assembling?
  • [26] What makes you sin wilfully after receiving the knowledge?
  • [32-35] Was the former days here a throwback to the early Christian persecutions?
  • [11:11] How do you reconcile this with Sarah when she laughed upon hearing the angle [Gen18:12]
  • [13-15] Does this imply we are just sojourners on this temporary realm?
  • [19] What is the type?
  • [26] Did Moses know Christ?
  • [32] List what faith embodies from these verses and meditate and analyse where I lack?
  • [35-40] Is this the former days as in [10:32]
  • [40] What does it actually mean?
  • [12:1] Who are witnesses?
  • [8] Compare children vs son?
  • [28] How do we show reverence and awe?
  • [13:4] How do I stay content yet looking forward to the city of God to come?
  • [20-25] What is the significance of thru' Jeus and thru' the blood?