Hebrew Book - Observation Study on Messiah

The version used is KJV


The main observation study done by chapter captured the actions of Jesus. But there seemed to be more hidden in some passages about His nature, hence the reason for this survey study is on looking at the full book of Hebrews is to understand what it teaches me about our Messiah and the nature and attributes of Him. This will be used in additional topical studies as well as further progression into interpretation and application.

This is just documenting what the book of Hebrews calls out surrounding our Messiah, Jesus Christ in the common or Yeshua Ha'Moschiach as He would have been referred to in the hebrew. The pronouns He/Him/Her will be used here instead of referring to Jesus by name every single time, for brevity. Our Heavenly Father, the Most High God, Yah, will be referred to as God, again for brevity.

Applying lessons below for my todays life

  • As my Messiah doesnt change [Heb13:8] and He has sanctified me through His blood [Heb13:12], and continues to serve as the High Priest in the heavens currently and forever [Heb8:2,10:21] and the mediator [Heb12:24] of the renewed covenant [Jer31:31], I am able to
  • be confident in Him, as He has already done the work according to and exceeding the established law and become the priest according to the order of Melchizadek
  • live as a son in the family and citizen in the kingdom of heaven, under God
  • trust my sins as part of the heavenly kingdom are forgiven thru the sacrifice once and for all for what my Messiah did
  • trust I can go to my High Priest and Messiah in heaven for my ongoin sins which I repent of with my lips and walk in faith with the examples shown to me by my Messiah
  • not worry about when a new temple be built in Jerusalem or elsewhere by human hands, but know and be affirmed that He is serving in the heavenly tabernacle
  • not worry about buying goat or bull to be sacrificed for my sins
  • trust in the faithfulness of God and the completed work of my Messiah, that any suffering and persecution that comes in God's will and follow my Messiah in the model He established.
  • look forward to His return when all His enemies will be under His footstool and the kingdom of heaven will be permanently established here on earth.

Our Messiah Attributes and Character

  • God, The Most High, Yah, spoke in the last days, thru Him [Heb1:2]
  • He was appointed heir of all things [Heb1:2]
  • By Him God made the worlds [Heb1:2]
  • He has God's brightness of glory [Heb1:3]
  • He is the express image of God's person [Heb1:3]
  • He upholds all things by the word of His power [Heb1:3]
  • He purged Himself of our sins [Heb1:3]
  • He sat at the right hand of God [Heb1:3]
  • He is better than angels [Heb1:4]
  • He has a more excellent name than angels [Heb1:4]
  • He is the begotten son of God [Heb1:5]
  • All angels of God worship Him [Heb1:6]
  • He made angels His spirits and His ministers a flame of fire [Heb1:7]
  • His throne is forever [Heb1:8]
  • His kingdon has the sceptre of righteousness [Heb1:8]
  • He loved righteousness and hated iniquity [Heb1:9]
  • God anointed Him with oil of gladness [Heb1:9]
  • He laid the foundation from the beginning and created heavens [Heb1:10]
  • He doesnt change [Heb1:11-12]
  • He sits at the right hand of God [Heb1:13]
  • His enemies will be made footstool by God [Heb1:13]
  • He spoke of the great salvation, which was confirmed by eye witnesses [Heb2:3]
  • All things are subjected under Him, but not yet [Heb2:8]
  • He was made a little lower than angels as He suffered death [Heb2:9]
  • He was crowned with glory and honor [Heb2:9]
  • He tasted death for every man [Heb2:9]
  • He brings many sons to glory [Heb2:10]
  • He is the captain of the men's salvation, thru His suffering [Heb2:10]
  • He sanctifies us and calls His brethren [Heb2:11]
  • He will declare God's name unto us in the gathering and sing HalleluYah [Heb2:12]
  • He will put trust in God [Heb2:13]
  • He destroyed devil and the power of death thru His death [Heb2:14]
  • He delivered all of us who had feared death and therefore freed us from a lifetime of bondage [Heb2:15]
  • He took the nature of man, as a seed of Abraham and not an angel [Heb2:16]
  • He is made just like His brothers, inferred hebrews [Heb2:17]
  • He is merciful and faithful high priest to God [Heb2:17]
  • He reconciles for the sins of the people, in His high priesthood [Heb2:17]
  • He has suffered being tempted [Heb2:18]
  • He aids those who are tempted [Heb2:18]
  • He is our apostle and high priest of our confession/profession [Heb3:1]
  • He is faithful to God, like Moses was [Heb3:2]
  • He is worthy of more glory than Moses [Heb3:3]
  • He is the son of God and over us as His house [Heb3:6]
  • He did notgive the Israelites rest in the wilderness [Heb4:8]
  • He is our high priest and has passed thru heavens [Heb4:14]
  • He can sympathize with our weakness [Heb4:15]
  • He has been tempted in all things like us but He did not sin [Heb4:15]
  • He sits in the throne of grace, to show mercy and help us [Heb4:16]
  • He didnt glorify Himself to become high priest, but God did [Heb5:5]
  • He is the high priest of the order of Melchizadek [Heb5:6]
  • He offered up prayers and supplications withloud crying and tears to God [Heb5:7]
  • He was saved from death by God [Heb5:7]
  • He was heard becuase of His piety [Heb5:7]
  • He did not boast on His sonship to God [Heb5:8]
  • He learned obedience from suffering [Heb5:8]
  • He made complete His purpose and hence is the source of eternal salvation for those who obey [Heb5:9]
  • He was confirmed into His high priesthood of the order of Melchizadek by God [Heb5:10]
  • His teachings included repentance from dead works, faith towards God, instructions about baptism, laying of hands, resurrection of the dead and eternal judgement [Heb6:1-2]
  • He entered within the veil of the tabernacle, to show us and to have hope [Heb6:19-20]
  • He is a high priest of the order of Melchizadek forever [Heb6:20]
  • He is like Melchizadek, who is also without father/mother/genealogy, nor having beginning nor end [Heb7:3]
  • He is not from the tribe of Levi but from Judah [Heb7:14]
  • He is our high priest, not according to law but according to the power of an indestructible life [Heb7:15-16]
  • He is a better hope through which we near God [Heb7:19]
  • He was made high priest forever, thru an oath by God [Heb7:21]
  • He is the guarantor of a better covenant [Heb7:22]
  • His priesthood is permanent [Heb7:24]
  • He saves forever/completely those who draw near to God thru Him [Heb7:25]
  • He makes intercession for those who draw near Him [Heb7:25]
  • He is holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above heavens [Heb7:26]
  • He doesnt need to offer daily sacrifices as He offered Himself once for all [Heb7:27]
  • He is made perfect forever as a son made by oath [Heb7:28]
  • He is seated at the right hand of the throne of majesty in heaven [Heb8:1]
  • He is in the heavenly sactuary in the true tabernacle pitched by Him [Heb8:2]
  • He is not on earth [Heb8:4]
  • He has obtained a more excellent ministry than earthly priesthood [Heb8:6]
  • He is the mediator of a better covenant established on better promises [Heb8:6]
  • He appeared as high priest of good things to come [Heb9:11]
  • He entered thru the greater and more perfect tabernacle not of earthly creation [Heb9:11]
  • He entered this tabernacle, that is not of earth, thru His own blood [Heb9:12]
  • He entered the holy place once for all [Heb9:12]
  • He obtained eternal redemption [Heb9:12]
  • His blood is more powerful than the blood of bulls and goats that purified sins once a year [Heb9:14]
  • He offered Himself thru the eternal spirit without blemish to God [Heb9:14]
  • He is the mediator of the new covenant [Heb9:15]
  • He entered the heavenly tabernacle to appear in the presence of God [Heb9:24]
  • He doesnt offer Himself often as the earthly priests do [Heb9:25]
  • He suffered once to put away sin by His sacrifice [Heb9:26]
  • He offered once His body becoming sins of many [Heb9:28]
  • He will appear a second time for salvation to those who eagerly await Him [Heb9:28]
  • He came to do God's will [Heb10:7]
  • He has come to do God's will to usher in the renewed covenant [Heb10:9]
  • He offered His body as offering to sactify us [Heb10:10]
  • He offered one sacrifice for sins for all time and sat down at right hand of God [Heb10:12]
  • His enemies will be made a footstool for His feet [Heb10:13]
  • He has perfected/completed for all time those who are sanctified [Heb10:14]
  • His blood gives us the confidence to enter the holy place [Heb10:19]
  • He inauguarated a new and living way thru the veil for us [Heb10:20]
  • He is the great priest over the house of God [Heb10:21]
  • His reproach is greater riches than the treasures of Egypt [Heb10:26]
  • He is the author and perfector of faith [Heb12:2]
  • He endured the corss and the despising shame [Heb12:2]
  • He sat down at the right hand of God [Heb12:2]
  • He has endured great hostility by sinners [Heb12:3]
  • He is mediator of the renewed covenant [Heb12:24]
  • His blood speaks better than that of Abel [Heb12:24]
  • He still warns us from heavn [Heb12:25]
  • He is the same yesterday, today and forever [Heb13:8]
  • He suffered outside the gates of the camp [Heb13:12]
  • He sanctifies people thru His own blood [Heb13:12]
  • We offer prayers thru Him [Heb13:15]
  • He is the great shepherd made so thru His blood of the eternal covenant [Heb13:20]
  • We do God's will thru Him [Heb13:21]
  • All glory forever is to Him [Heb13:21]