Hebrew Book Chapter 1 - Interpretation and Application Part4

The version used is KJV

Jesus has earned a high place

  • Jesus is the Son of the Most High
  • Jesus has been appointed heir of all things and through whom was the worlds made
  • Jesus is the express image of the Most High Yah
  • Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father in Heavens, right now
  • Jesus is set on the right hand for ever

Angels are to help

Although, we visualize angels as cute babies with cute bows and arrows, all of the angels were male and had fierce appearances. They were the hosts/armies of heaven. Yah sent His choice angels at various times to intervene with His people, from Abraham, to Jacob, to Moses, to Joshua to Gideon and later to the prophets.

He also sent angels to minister to Jesus, His Son, whenever He struggled through a test laid by Yah. The 40 days in the wilderness prior to start of Jesus' teaching as well as when He accepted the will of Yah in the garden, just before the crucifiction trial. These two indicate how angels came to minister to our Messiah.

Gabriel was also dispatched when Daniel started praying for the nation of Israel, while still in captivity.

These passages, indicated to me that

  • I dont worship or pay obesience to the angels as they are also created beings
  • I dont need to be afraid of them as they obey and function under Yah's commands
  • Fasting and prayer are the only ways to really understand how the spiritual kingdowm works - knowing that my earnest prayers could be causing a spiritual battle, as Daniel's did. This means that I need to take prayer and fasting more seriously than just a casual thing I do out of habit or simple need.
  • I expect angels to minister to me in times of trials and continue to have faith in how Yah has worked through the bible is how He will contiue to work
  • Follow the example provided by Yah's Son, Jesus.

Believe & Follow Jesus

I believe that Jesus is the Son of Yah, made flesh, who came to live among His people and earned the high place of right hand of the throne of Yah, through His obedience and sacrifice.

With my belief in Him, I appeal for Him to intercede on my behalf as He is seated at the right of Yah.

Although not explicit in this first 14 verses, I will follow the teachings and the person of Jesus and His example life as the blueprint for my life. This is because Jesus was sent in the express image of Yah, to speak to us as Yah sent prophets in the past. This means that I have the fuller meaning of what the prophets were trying to convey to Yah's people, since we have heard from the obedience of Yah's Son.

Following Jesus to me is to take all of His teaching literally, starting with Sermon on the Mount. This is what I am still struggling with.