Hebrew Book Chapter 1 - Interpretation and Application Part2

The version used is KJV

Literal text rendering

Using the Greek Textus Receptus and various translations, primarily KJV and NASB, and Strongs concordance, here is my rendering of the first 6 verses, the way I am interpreting it.

  • 1: In various parts of time and space and in various ways earlier, Yah, having spoken to the fathers of our faith by the prophets,
  • 2: in these last days spoke to us by His son, Jesus/Yeshua, whom Yah established heir of all, through whom also, Yah made the eons
  • 3: This Jesus/Yeshua being the radiance of the glory and impresion of Yah's essence, and bearing the whole by the spoken word of Yah's power, by himself making a cleansing and purification of our sins, sat at the right of the greatness in heights (which is Yah's throne in heaven)
  • 4: Jesus/Yeshua having become so much better than the angels, has inherited a name as much more diverse and better from the angels
  • 5: For to whom said Yah at some time or other of the angels? You are my son, I, today engendered you. And again, I will be to him for father and he will be to me for son.
  • 6: And again whenever Yah should bring in the firstborn into the inhabitable world, Yah says, And let all angels of Yah do obeisance to Jesus/Yeshua my son.

Key points

  • The time before Jesus had both space and time constraints as set by Yah, where He used prophets to speak in parts of the earth and certain periods of time. But with the engendering of Jesus/Yeshua, Yah's son, Yah is speaking to us through Jesus and this applies to the rest of the time through the end, since Jesus and for the entire inhabitable earth, or all of earth.
  • Jesus came as man as he was born on earth, but he was the firstborn of Yah, who is the object representation of Yah both in power, glory and essence. His obedience of doing Yah's will cleansed our sins and made him so much better than the angels, which sets apart his name and he is seated at the right hand of Yah. Therefore Angels pay obeisance to Jesus, so should we pay our obeisance to Jesus.
  • The worlds and the age (so space and time) we see and know were created by Yah through His son Jesus.
  • Jesus is not only Yah's son, but also our King to come on earth.

Key words

  • The words polymeros (G4181) and polytropos (G4187) for the many time and many ways in v1:1 only appears once in all of the Greek OT and NT.
  • The word prophet (G4396) was first used for Abraham in [Gen20:7]
  • Last days (G2078) is eschatos which can mean extreme or last, both in position/rank/arrival or ends. This is the root for eschatology.
  • Worlds (G165) aion means unbroken age, eternity, the worlds, universe
  • Radiance (G541) apugarma is reflected brightness, effulence, used only once in all the Greek text in [Heb1:3]
  • Glory (G1391) is doxa which has various meanings from splendor to majesty ad judgement. The hebrew equivalent is kavode [Gen31:1] and used in [Ex24:17] for the sigt of the glory of Yah.
  • Impression (G5481) is mark or character or stamp. The hebrew equivalent was in [Lev13:28] for the mark of inflammation.
  • Essence (G5287) hupostatis, which is also used in [Heb3:14,Heb11:1] which has a deeper meaning of sustenance for life, with hebrew equivalent (H4241). Its greek meaning is basis, foundation, support, essence, content. The uses are more to support as in courage/confidence and steadfastness of mind, used in [2Cor9:4,2Cor11:7] for confidence, [Heb11:1] for faith. Its used in [Judges6:4] for sustenance, [Deu1:12] for support and [Psa39:5,7] for support and hope.
  • Word (G4487) is rhema, which can be contrasted with logos from [John1:1], which is Yah's utterance, which comes in [Gen15:1]
  • Power (G1411) which is used for army, hosts, force, strength, energy. Its same as tsava in hebrew for host.
  • Cleansing (G2512) katharismos, which is used for the altar in [Ex29:36], [Ex30:10] which is for purification that is once a year, which becomes the theme in later chapter for Jesus becoming our High Priest.
  • Sin (G266) hamartia which is to miss the mark, err, wander off. Its used in [Heb2:17,3:13]
  • Sat (G2523) kathizo, which means appoint, set, settle down, used in [Gen8:4] for the ark setting on the Mt Ararat.
  • Engendered (G1080) is to bear, procreate, begat. Its used in [Gen4:18] for begat, which is also used in [Gen6:4] and [Ruth4:8-12]. [Isa9:6] the classic passge about our Messiah uses it as well. [Jhn3:3] is used for the born again statement.
  • Firstborn (G4416) prototokos, which is first used for Abel's firstlings offering [Gen4:4], which is (H1062) bekowrah. It also has the meaning of the right of first born, birthright and primogeniture.
  • Obesience (G4352) proskuneo is to prostate oneself to a higher authority, in some instances kiss the hand like a dog licks its master. [Psa97:7] uses the same word. Abraham bowed down in [Gen18:2] to the strangers visiting him before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorroh. Its also used in [Gen22:5] when he takes Isaac to the mountain to worship. [2Sam1:2] the man from Saul's camp bowed down to David. [2Ki2:15] sons of prophets bowed before Elisha. [Matt28:9] the desciples bowed down to Jesus. [Mark5:6] the man with demon bowed to Jesus. [Rev22:8] the angel asked not to bow down to him but only to God. Therefore this word is used for both worship, to prostrate, bow down or to show reverance. Its applied to both Yah, Jesus and to Kings and Prophets. Its also clear that if there is a higher authority in that place then you are not to proskuneo to the lower authority one. Therefore, we must never bow down or worship idols or anything but Yah.